Version 0.5
By Stephan Meyn
Saturday, June 05, 2004
Version 0.5 (Hunter Release) is out.
BambooBuilder can now cope with 'hand made' XSD files. Before they had to be
generated by VS.NET by creating datasets. Now it is possible to create an XSD file
in VS.NET and adding the fields in the XSD editor.
The resulting XML was different in two areas:
- the generated XSD file enclosed the table elements within a dataset element
- the edited XSD would list primary keys at the same level as the fields in a table
the generated one listed them at the same level as a table
The rootobject now has additional functions
- void GetAll<entity>() gets all objects in one hit
- int Count<entity>() returns the count of all instances of one entity
the solution has an additonal option: CompileArgsAsInXSD
this option controls the sequence of arguments for the constructor.
If false, the key fields are listed first, then the non key fields
if true, the fields are listed in the sequence they have been defined in the XSD.
the application would fall over too easily.
This has now been made more robust.
Refactoring & Unit Tests
the core code has been refactored further (it never ends)
and unit tests have been added (also an effort that will never end)
Stuff in progress
two items are currently under consideration
- a view builder that allows the user to specify the equivalent of joins&selects
where read only data transfer objects are generated containing subsets of attributes
and optionally joined objects.
- VB support: the basic infrastructure has been added (thanks to Kevin Rector)
but it needs more work inside in the guts.
you will find code for both in this release but it does not affect the functionality